"Erbolato" with and by Alessandro Bressanello, Venice 2013 "Atrocissime tange" by Wolfango Dalla Vecchia, for mime, percussions and electronics, Padua 2012 "Ten Reasons to leave Venice" with and by Alessandro Bressanello, Venice 2012 "Il Festino del Giovedì Grasso" by Adriano Banchieri, La Stagione Armonica, Parma 2011 "Walking whit Carlo Goldoni", Carnival of Venice 2007 "La cena mal apparecchiata" by Carlo Gozzi, La Biennale Teatro, Venice 2006 "The Battle between Carnival and Lent", Carnival of Venice 2006 "Marco Polo e Kublai Kan or Lo cunto delle città invisibili" from Italo Calvino, Biennale Teatro, Venice 2006 "Messaggeri e Messaggini" by Carlo De Pirro, La Biennale Musica, Venice 2005 "L'Anfiparnaso" by Orazio Vecchi, La Stagione Armonica and P.T.V, 2005 "La pazzia senile" by Adriano Banchieri, La Stagione Armonica and P.T.V, 2005 "Due dialoghi" by Ruzante, 2002 "The Flight of the Angel" San Marco square, Carnival of Venice 2001/2008 "Travels and Adventures of the Baron Münchausen", Carnival of Venice 2001 "7 Invisible Conversations between Marco Polo and Kublai Kan" by Italo Calvino and "The Arrival of the Great Rhinoceros", Carnival of Venice 2000 "Arlechinaria", Palazzo Tè, Mantua 1999 "The Philosophy of Love" by Adolfo Bartoli compagnia Pantakin, Venezia 1999 "The Great Battlle of the Bulls in San Marco Square", Compagnia dei Folli, Carnival of Venice 1999 "Il cavadenti" by Flaminio Scala, troupe Terra Nostra, 1998 "The World upside down or The Feast of Fools", Compagnia del Folli., Carnival of Venice 1998 "Arlecchino and Casanova or The Venetian Twins", L'Isola Navigante, Carnival of Venice 1998 "Venetian Reflections" Equitable Auditorium, New York 1995 - Westminster Theatre, London 1997 "Ciao nudo" by and whit Roberto Citran, Carnival of Venice 1997 "The Battle between Carnival and Lent", Carnival of Venice 1997 "Lampi e tuoni vendo bastoni", troupe L'Isola Navigante Burattini 1996 "Karneval og Comedie", Oslo (Norway) 1996 "Orson Welles and the War of the Worlds" Produzioni Teatrali Veneziane and Ufficio Cinema, Municipality of Venice 1995 "La Dafne" baroque opera by Marco da Gagliano, Hochschüle für Musik, Trossingen (Germany) 1995 "Ciak Ciak Tumb Tumb" by Tommaso Marinetti and others, Produzioni Teatrali Veneziane, Nuova stagione teatrale di Venezia, Carnevale 1995 "La sortita", historical re-enactment, Mestre 1994 - 2009 "Das Fieber der Revolution - Goldoni in Paris" by Siro Ferrone, Theater Central, Bonn (Germany) 1994 "The Little Square" by Carlo Goldoni, Teatro Niovo, Carnival of Venice 1993 "Anfiparnaso" by Orazio Vecchi with Moscow Philarmonic Orchestra (Russia) 1991 "Supper of Ashes" by Benjamin Kuras, Theater Central Bonn (Germany) 1990 "Pepper Pepper" with Commediantlinjen from Stoccolma (Sweden) 1990 "Arlecchino Servant of Two Masters" by Carlo Goldoni, Back Pocket Production, Beethlem (PA) USA 1981